
UsethemkdircommandtocreateoneormoredirectoriesspecifiedbytheDirectoryparameter.Eachnewdirectorycontainsthestandardentriesdot(.)anddot ...,2023年12月1日—LearnhowtousetheLinuxmkdircommandtocreateadirectoryinLinux.Readthroughourexamplestolearnmore.,2021年8月10日—InLinuxsystems,youcancreatenewdirectorieseitherfromthecommandlineorwiththehelpofyourdesktop'sfilemanager.,2024年2月13日—InLinux,the'mkdi...

Creating directories (mkdir command)

Use the mkdir command to create one or more directories specified by the Directory parameter. Each new directory contains the standard entries dot (.) and dot ...

How to Create a Directory in Linux via mkdir Command

2023年12月1日 — Learn how to use the Linux mkdir command to create a directory in Linux. Read through our examples to learn more.

How to Create Directories in Linux (mkdir Command)

2021年8月10日 — In Linux systems, you can create new directories either from the command line or with the help of your desktop's file manager.

How to Create Directory in Linux

2024年2月13日 — In Linux, the 'mkdir' command is like a magic wand for creating folders super easily. 'mkdir' stands for “make directory,” and it helps you ...

How to make a folder in Linux or Unix

2023年8月11日 — The mkdir command is is used to create new directories or folders. Say you need to create a folder name dir1 in Linux, type: mkdir dir1. Let us ...

Linux essentials

2022年7月19日 — Learn how to use the mkdir, touch, and rm commands to create files and directories, then clean them up when you're ready.


2023年8月11日 — Explains how to make (create) a new directory using mkdir command line options under Linux operating systems.

mkdir Command in LinuxUnix with Examples

The mkdir stands for 'make directory'. With the help of mkdir command, you can create a new directory wherever you want in your system. Just type mkdir <dir ...